The itch to stitch

The itch to stitch

By Kate Lockyer

If you hear a ‘click clack’ coming from the New Farm Library meeting room, rest assured it is the knitting needles of a remarkable group of local ladies.

The ‘Stitch and Bitch’ crocheting and knitting group is bringing warmth to hospitals, nursing homes, the homeless and others in need thanks to their colourful handmade donations of blankets, jumpers, beanies, and more.

However, it takes about 30 balls of wool to make 10 rugs, and founder of the group, Beryl Watson, said she recently thought they might have to stop their work, as the volume of materials they needed was getting too expensive.

Thanks to the thoughtfulness of Ms Watson’s family and family friends, who donated wool and Spotlight vouchers, she said they will now be able to continue for at least 12 months.

The group have become innovative with their donations, making ‘twiddle rugs’ for children and people with dementia or brain injuries, which have buttons, ribbons and other things sewn on to keep them calm and occupied.

They also make sleeves to cover these patients’ IV drips so they do not pull them out.

They are looking for new members, and you do not have to be able to knit or crochet to be able to help.

The group meets on the first Monday and third Friday of the month, 9am – 12pm.

If you would like to donate or find out more, contact Janine Watson on 0437 476 669.

The group with some of their colourful work; Front: Colleen Hill, Jan Gamer, Ann Stafford; Back: Tricia Hart and Beryl Watson. Photography: Kate Lockyer

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