Merthyr Bowls Club celebrates 75 years

Merthyr Bowls Club celebrates 75 years

By Duyen Cao

The historic Merthyr Bowls Club marks its 75th anniversary this October, now a vibrant, modern community club that promotes barefoot bowling.

Greg Mahony, a Merthyr Bowls Club committee member, said that the club has successfully lasted 75 years thanks to the friendly community and the emergence of casual, barefoot bowling. In 2020, the club was voted Australia’s best barefoot bowls location on Wotif.

“[Barefoot bowling] started at Merthyr in the 1990s when the club was on a bit of a decline…but it’s become quite popular now because of how casual it is. There’re no real regulations or leagues, and you don’t have to be good at it, you can just have fun,” Greg said.

“I’m a coach so I know there’s a lot of benefits involved because it’s low impact and therapeutic. We have a lady member here who’s 97.”

Located on a former United States Navy site, the club was originally known as the Limbless Soldiers Bowling Club and opened in 1944 as a place for service men and women to socialize and relax along the banks of the Brisbane River. In 1978, it was renamed the Merthyr Bowls Club.

“Members over the years have enjoyed the club’s atmosphere and its friendliness,” Greg said.

“This club has survived where other clubs have fallen, due to how the committee over the years has kept it together for the community…and now in the new modern way of barefoot bowls.”

Craig Symons, another committee member, said that the community is an integral part of the club.

“People enjoy each other’s company here and we’re always happy for new people to join,” Craig said.

“The club is growing in a way that’s community minded. There are so many people that know so much about it and can add to it.

“We have a relationship with All Hallows’ where the girls come down and learn how to play as part of their sports program, and we’d like to encourage that more.

“We would like to get more people active in coming down and learning how to bowl.”

Merthyr Bowls Club will be holding a Community Day on October 20, where people can come to learn the game and enjoy themselves.

Ray Fox bowling circa. 1989-1990


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