By Brian Larner ‘The old hippie’
To all who say Hello, Smile, or come and talk to me.
You are all very special, this I need you to see.
You all help, in some way, to make my day.
You all, in my life, a part do play.
It’s very special, that this old hippie, you see.
And take time out, to acknowledge me.
In this busy old world, in which we live.
You do not take from me, you give.
Give of your energy, give of your time.
That is why, I wish to share with you, this rhyme.
A small token of thanks, from me to you.
For the kindness, that daily, you do.
Thank you one and all, for being a small part, in my life.
I hope your lives are filled with happiness, no strife.
Mr Larner is 80 years old and has been at BUPA New Farm for almost five years. Almost every day he sits in the same spot under a couple of trees by the river near the Sydney St CityCat terminal.