By Kate Lockyer
The New Farm Districts Men’s Shed is still missing a fundamental requirement of their group – a shed.
President Michael Dennis said: “We keep seeing that there are men out there who are isolated and lonely, and desperate to get out of their house.”
The group has been meeting at the New Farm Library for three years.
However, sheds are hard to come by, and the group have now approached owners of 17 Skyring Terrace in Teneriffe, Kokoda Property, to see whether they can arrange to use the Community Place building.
While the site is in limbo with a development application in place, Mr Dennis said should the application be approved, the development would take years, in which time the Men’s Shed could use Community Place, situated on the edge of the block.
However, Kokoda has not responded.
They also approached Telstra and the federal telecommunications MP two years ago about use of surplus land at the Telstra mobile tower on Merthyr Road, but once again received no response.
Central Ward Councillor Vicki Howard has suggested they put in a tender for the lease of the Teneriffe Ferryman’s Hut.
However, Mr Dennis said they cannot afford the commercial rate of the rent.
The New Farm and District Men’s Shed meet every second Friday from 11am – 2pm, for conversation and shared company, and often have guest speakers.
Ultimately, Mr Dennis said, “It’s not the building that makes the men’s shed, it’s the men in the building that make the men’s shed”.
To join, or if you happen to have a shed or garage spare, email